
iPhone 6 Launch Date

We are all eagerly awaiting the launch plans of the impending iPhone 6, with some in the know apparently leaking images and launch dates for the new device. Obviously some pieces of information are more dubious than others but when you have a news source such as the Wall Street Journal weighing in on the launch date you can safely concede that the details might be more credible than most.

According to the WSJ, Apple plan to launch the devices at an event on 9th September, which is an earlier date than many commentators have predicted (many favour a late September launch date).

What is less in doubt it would appear is that there are due to be two different iPhone 6 models to be launched, a 4.7 inch display model and a 5.5 inch display device.

Perhaps they will look a little like the device in the leaked iPhone 6 pictures that were shown recently on the Mobile Choice website (see pics below).

iPhone 6 Leaked Pictures

1 Comment

  • Refused Staff
    September 10, 2014 at 10:28 am / Comment Reply

    There were some quite accurate leaks of the iPhone 6 over the past few months based on what we saw at the launch yesterday. Most commentators seemed to get the specifications right – not many surprises at the launch.

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